Remarkable Ventura County Graduates Triumph Over Adversity

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foe-logoFor some students, high school graduation is a given. Others face a variety of obstacles that can put a diploma out of reach, no matter how badly they want it. Family troubles, substance abuse and growing difficulties surrounding immigration are some of the roadblocks a surprising number of local teens must navigate on the road to graduation.

But for nearly every challenge, there is a student who has found the inner strength to persevere. In this edition of Focus on Education, we're excited to introduce you to local graduates who have overcome challenges - some large, some small - to earn their high school diplomas. In many cases, they credit a caring teacher, counselor or administrator who went out of their way to make a difference. And while all of these students have different stories, they each possess a drive to succeed and a love of learning that will take them far and make us all very proud.

Stan Mantooth
Ventura County Superintendent of Schools